ULTRA GFX Tool 2019- Graphics is what you're looking for if you're in need of improving your visuals without the headache of manually re configuring your smartphone. All you have to do is pick which game version you will be playing and from there select the resolution you like, frames per second, and the type of graphics you want displayed
We help you to run PUBG faster and smoother, and provide you with a safe and private environment while you are playing PUBG.
• Now choose graphics styles.
• MSAA Level: Select the MSAA Level
• Shadow Resolution: Change the size of shadow pixel
•Matching better solution base on device,speed up your phone by one tap
ULTRA GFX Tools 2019, you can either enable or disable the automatic graphics settings which shall automatically detect and set the most optimal and compatible graphics for your device and shall let you enjoy gaming without any lags.
Graphics is what you're looking for if you're in need of improving your visuals without the headache of manually re configuring your smartphone. All you have to do is pick which game version you will be playing, and from there select the resolution you like, frames per second, and the type of graphics you want displayed.
ULTRA GFX Tools 2019 is the best free app for pubg optimization.
ULTRA GFX Tool 2019-图形是您所需要的,如果您需要改善视觉效果而又无需手动重新配置智能手机。您所要做的就是选择要玩的游戏版本,然后从中选择所需的分辨率,每秒帧数和要显示的图形类型
在ULTRA GFX Tools 2019中,您可以启用或禁用自动图形设置,这些设置将自动检测并设置设备的最佳和兼容图形,并使您享受游戏时没有任何滞后。
ULTRA GFX Tools 2019是用于发布优化的最佳免费应用程序。